Joanna Setchell – Sex and signaling in mandrills

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‘Sex and Signaling in Mandrills’


Dr Joanna Setchell

(Durham University, Department of Anthropology)

Abstract: Mandrills are one of the most sexually dimorphic mammals. Adult males possess bright red, blue, pink and purple skin on the face, rump and genitalia. Unusually for an Old World primate, which are generally regarded as microsomatic, they also possess a sternal scent gland which they rub vigorously against trees. Mandrills are also one of the most elusive primates to study in the wild, due to their deep rain forest habitat. I will review what we have learned about sexual selection in mandrills from studies of a semi-free-ranging colony at CIRMF, Gabon, focusing on why males display such exaggerated secondary sexual traits, and the information that they might convey to potential rivals and mates.

Date: March 23rd 2010, at 18.30

Location: Drayton Ricardo Lecture Theatre, UCL (30 Gordon Street, London). MAP

This event is free and all are welcome!

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