Are Humans Unique?
The question of human uniqueness affects us all — from how we understand ourselves as a species to how we behave towards fellow humans and other animals. We at the London Evolutionary Research Network think this is a fascinating topic, and we are pleased to announce our forthcoming debate.
Four eminent speakers in the field will be discussing the motion:
‘Humans are unique. There is a qualitative difference between humans and other animals as well as a quantitative one.’
Professor Kim Hill (for)
Professor at the School of Human Evolution & Social Change, Arizona State University
Tim Clutton-Brock (for)
Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Cambridge
Robert Barton (against)
Professor in the Department of Anthropology, Durham University
Volker Sommer(against)
Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology, University College London
This is the third debate hosted by LERN. Each speaker will get 15 minutes to present their ideas followed by 5 minutes rebuttal time. There will be a 30 minute open Q&A period at the end of the talks. We will go out for dinner afterwards. This event is free.
If you would like to join us and the speakers for dinner after the debate, please email [email protected] to reserve a space.
Date and Time: Monday 14th November 2011 from 5pm
Location: Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre, UCL, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT