Annual LERN/CEE Medawar Memorial Lecture
“Fossil rocks, genes, & journalists: how the public (mis)perceives evolutionary biology”
Dr Robert Asher
(University of Cambridge)
Date: 21st November 2012, 5.45pm
Venue: Anatomy JZ Young Lecture Theatre, UCL (Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT)
A palaeontologist specializing in mammals, Robert J. Asher is a former Curator of Mammals at the Berlin Natural History Museum and Frick Postdoctoral Fellow at the American Museum of Natural History. Currently, he is the Curator of Vertebrates in the University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge. Among other topics, his research focuses on investigating dental and osteological development in afrotherian and xenarthran mammals, incorporating diverse types of data into mammalian phylogeny reconstruction, and understanding the timing of the first radiations of modern mammals. Robert Asher is the author of “Evolution and Belief” (Cambridge University Press, April 2012) and one of the editors of the very new “From Clone to Bone: The Synergy of Morphological and Molecular Tools in Palaeobiology” (Cambridge University Press, October 2012).